A Year in the Making
Kickstarter: The Travelled Road
On 9/2019, I picked up Megan Marino and John Arida at the Saratoga Train Station. Skidmore College was nice enough to sponsor their travel and lodging in order to come up from NYC and record some of my music at the Arthur Zankel Music Center. The plan was to try out some of my works they had already performed and record them and see how it would turn out. It was an insane turnaround. 2 days to record and then they had to head back.
After the first day, the sound engineer, Dan Czernecki gave me a copy of rough cuts of the first day. I had an hour and twenty minute drive to my new home in the Adirondacks. Now mind you, this was after an entire day of recording, and my senses were shot. I put the CDs on and couldn’t believe my ears. Megan and John, along with Jameson Platte had created MAGIC…pure musical magic!
The next morning, I picked them up, sleep deprived, way too excited and way too overzealous, I said “Forget ‘trying things out,’ THIS NEEDS TO BE RELEASED WORLDWIDE!” At first, I thought I may have overstepped since the original plan was record in a laid back setting. But Megan and John are pros…they recorded Day 2 with newfound purpose.
Their artistry translated instantly and it got the attention of a few record labels.
Dan Czernecki mixed and mastered over the winter. It took a few sessions, including a long burn during a snow storm.
And now we are at the finish line. PARMA records wants to release this album. With your help, it can happen. You too will get to hear MAGIC!